Gary Larson Saw it Coming

I had to chuckle when I saw this old Far Side comic in my Facebook feed. I’m a lifelong fan of Gary Larson’s one-panel comic strip, and this was always a good one. And it reminded me of some comments we received after posting Basic Hunting Tactics for Survival back in March, when the COVID-19 panic was new and had some people wondering where their next meal might be coming from.

Some folks thought we were telling newbies to go hunting out of season, while others thought of the coronavirus lockdowns the way Norm’s buddy is classifying the trio of mushroom clouds in the distance, and that no licenses, bag limits, or other legal restrictions would apply for hunting and fishing.

Happily, all were incorrect… but hopefully this little comic helped brighten your day a little, anyhow.

I fully expect the fall hunting seasons in the USA to be essentially the same as we’ve been enjoying for decades. Would you agree?

Until then, stay safe (and well-fed).

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