Elisha assisted me in moving our whole cooler into the garage so I could demonstrate how to prepare freezer meals to you men in real time. If you don’t have a huge refrigerator outdoors, in your car, or anywhere else, doing this truly saves space and energy. This is also helpful if you don’t have enough space in your freezer to stack enormous” set to go in the pan” casserole dishes.
If you are post, this is very useful. I prepared this particular meal for that reason, but even if I’m simply making double batches and freezing something, I still enjoy using all of these methods. I truly enjoy using my refrigerator to start things off, maintain food, and allow me to prepare a fresh food for our family without it feeling like leftovers or reheated. The materials have all been added, and it’s about halfway done. It makes the process incredibly simple for me and takes a lot of the brainwork out of it.
We all eat freezer meals on a daily basis, but this significant prep has to do precisely with postpartum. For me, the biggest factor I’m up against when it comes to the house is my mental capacity. I don’t want to have to consider when I’m exhausted or overburdened.
I sincerely hope that this was helpful to you and provided you with some suggestions for what to do in a cramped refrigerator. I am aware that finding ways to make life easier is often a in! 🙂
referred to in picture:
Reusable freezer bags are available at https :// www.amazon.com / gp / product / B089GJRMFL / ref = ppx_ yo_ dt_ b_ search_ asin_ title? ie = UTF8 & th = 1.
http :// www.nowthatwereafamily.com / blog / postpartum-freezer-meal-prep
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Introduction: 00 – 2 : 09.
Report, Don’t Mob, 2 : 09 – 3: 37
Cooler Recipes 3: 37 – 4: 27
Food Training: Order of Operations, 4 : 27 – 6: 04
Freezing Factors: 6: 04- 6: 57
Discount Code for Mixture: 6: 57, 8: 13
Saving Refrigerator Area at 8:13 – 9:06
List of Fridge Foods, 9: 06 – 16: 35
Extra Tips / Marinades & Sauces, 16:35, 20:43
Closing at 20:43, 22:42