I took a floating tent camping and had the best time on the water with my new inflatable tent. The Space Acacia XL is a new tent with an inflatable floor that floats! This is a new and exciting way to camp!
Check out The Space Acacia Here: https://igg.me/at/acacia
The tent comes in 2 sizes and 12 colors! Get a discount by using the links below.
XL Secret Offer ($50 off + free electric pump + free shipping): https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/2832340/x/33873140?secret_perk_token=299eade6
2-person Secret Offer ($50 off + free electric pump + free shipping): https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/2832340/x/33873140?secret_perk_token=b9c7a405
#acaciaoutdoor #spaceacacia #floatingtent #camping