Five Choices for an Everyday Carry Knife

Five Choices for an Knife

Think about the things you carry every day when you leave the house. These are the things that always, without fail, find their way to your pocket and if you should find yourself without it, you just don’t feel right. For many of us, one of those (EDC) items is a knife. What makes a good EDC knife? It has to serve multiple functions and most importantly – be handy! It has to be ready to cut multiple things, including things like rope, fabric, meat and more. Most of us with kids have used our EDC to open toy packaging in the parking lot of the store at some point.

Blade length is important when it comes to an EDC knife. You need to know your laws where you are. This is really important. Some locations have limits on what is considered legal. 2.5 to 4 inches is generally going to be ok. Smaller and you can make some essential tasks much harder than they need to be, much more and you run the risk of the knife becoming cumbersome, and, in some areas, illegal without a concealed weapon permit. Here are five choices for an knife that will serve you well.

The post Five Choices for an Everyday Carry Knife appeared first on OutdoorHub.

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