Thanks for watching, Freebs! See links and details about everything mentioned in this video here:
♡ Don’t forget to subscribe! New upload every Thursday!
♡ Instagram: @JordanPage https://www.instagram.com/jordanpage/
♡ My website: https://thepagecompany.com/
♡ My Block Schedule and budgeting planners: https://shop.thepagecompany.com/collections/all-physical-planners
♡ Save Money and Time with My Meal Plan Subscription: https://funcheaporfree.com/MealPlanSubscription
♡ My budgeting program: https://budgetbootcamp.com/
♡ My productivity program: https://productivitybootcamp.com
♡ My frugal living blog: https://ShelfCooking.com
♡ My frugal cooking blog: https://ShelfCooking.com
♡ Instagram: @ThePageCompany https://www.instagram.com/thepagecompany/
♡ Instagram: @ShelfCooking https://www.instagram.com/shelfcooking/
♡ Facebook: FunCheapOrFree https://www.facebook.com/funcheaporfree
♡ Email: contact@ThePageCompany.com for any inquiries.
♡ About me:
I’m mom to 8 adorable and busy kiddos, nacho enthusiast, Utah transplant (and biggest fan!), and your new budgeting, productivity, and frugal cooking bestie! Truth be told, I suck at budgeting. I don’t really like to cook, and I’ve got raging ADHD. But…I’ve cracked the code and figured out what works for me, and love sharing my tips, tricks, and methods with YOU! I started The Page Company with a goal to build stronger families, by helping you tackle your overwhelm…even amidst the chaos 😜! You might have seen me on TLC, The Today Show, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, Dr Phil, Inside Edition, and more. I have over a decade of free content here on my YouTube channel, as well as my two blogs, and also have a shop filled with products I personally invented/created/designed to make your life MUCH easier. Check it all out here: https://thepagecompany.com/. So happy to have you as part of the Freebs Nation Fam!
♡ Want to send me something? Send to:
12180 s 300e #1028
Draper, UT 84020