CDFW to Fund 26 Projects to restore and enhance Salmon and Steelhead Habitats

CDFW to Fund 26 Projects to restore and enhance Salmon and Steelhead Habitats

Fish passage structures to be replaced include Duffy Gulch in . (CDFW)

Conservation Corps Watershed Program 

The California Conservation Corps Watershed Stewards Program in partnership with AmeriCorps was awarded nearly $700,000. This program will enlist 44 Corps members throughout coastal California to enhance watersheds that support steelhead, salmon, and other species of migrating fish through recruiting volunteers for hands-on projects, protection and restoration, and community education.

Lagunitas Creek Coho Habitat Enhancement Plan

The Lagunitas Creek Coho Habitat Enhancement Plan will fund the design, environmental review, and permitting of five enhancement sites located within Samuel P. Taylor State Park in Marin County. Nearly $600,000 was awarded to the Marin Municipal Water District for this project.

In response to the 2023 Fisheries Habitat Restoration Grant Solicitation, CDFW received 35 proposals requesting more than $23 million in funding. The proposals underwent a thorough technical review involving subject matter experts from CDFW and NOAA.

The complete list of approved projects is available on the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program website.

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