Cast Iron Campfire Cooking | Mouthwatering Cajun Jambalaya

Oh wow did I ever in this one! Layer upon layer upon layer of flavor built from the bottom up in my 17″ cast iron over a campfire grill set up I manufactured. Yeah you’re gonna love this one, and boy does it pack a punch! If you’re not high on spice, then just dial back the cayenne a bit. I promise you though the blend I have for this was just the perfect amount of each one. I used bacon & andouille sausage in this too but its a , use chicken & add shrimp if you want too! It’ll only add more flavor to this dish. Can be cooked on your regular ole stove too, dont worry it’s that easy & delicious! Recipe below, thank you again for watching & cookin with me!

Recipe: (I did a 1.5x batch of this recipe thats why i use more in the video, this is for 1 batch! About 4 quarts in a 5 quart dutch oven on the stove!)
Spice Blend:
-1.5 TB Salt
-2 TB Black Pepper
-1 TB Garlic Powder
-1 TB Onion Powder
-1 TB White Pepper
-1 Tsp Cayenne
-1.5 tsp Cumin
Mix it all together in a sandwich baggie & keep it air tight!
-1.5 lb Andouille Sausage, slice into medallions
-1 lb Bacon, 2in slices (Chicken or Shrimp here works just fine, if its shrimp just add it at the end with the scallions, it cooks fast & that way it’ll be perfectly cooked by the time youre serving!)
-1 Bell Pepper, diced
– 1 Large Onion, diced
– 3 Stalks Celery, diced
-6 Cloves Garlic, minced
-1 Bay leaf
-1 tsp dry thyme
-2 Cups Par-boiled rice (Boil rice for 10-15 min & strain, should still have some bite to it)
-2 TB Tomato Paste
-2 TB Worstesire
-1 cup beer
-4 Cups Chicken Stock
-2 Bunches of Scallion, thin slice
-Prepare Veggies & Meat (Dice & Chop)
-Toss Bacon (or chicken) in 2 Tablespoons of prepared cajun seasoning blend & 1 TB
-Heat over Medium High heat (or follow how I do it on a campfire in the video!)
-Add Bacon (or chicken) and brown, stirring frequently
-Once browned, remove & set aside, save in pot, thats what were cookin with!
-Next add andouille sausage to oil, brown, remove & set aside
-Add onion, peppers & celery. Sweat for about 5 minutes.
-Add minced garlic, cook for 1 minute
-Add 2 teaspoons of seasoning to veggies, stir frequently to scrape fonde on botton of pan, cook for 2 more mintues
-Add beer to deglaze, stir
-Add Bay leaf, thyme, rice, tomato paste, worstesire, stir to combine
-Add meat back & remaining seasoning above. (ALL OF IT!)
-Stir in Chicken stock, bring to a boil & then reduce to a simmer, covered, for 30 minutes.
-After 30 minutes check doneness of rice, cover and simmer if it needs more time, or kill the heat & add 1 bunch of chopped scallions. (and shrimp too if you were adding it!) Stir.
-Cover back up & it will continue to cook it’s self for about another 10 minutes, aftert 10 check doneness of shrimp if you added it, and you’re ready to eat!
-Serve in a big ole bowl & garnish with scallions!
-Smile & eat, you just made something great today!

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