Build Your Own Wind Turbine

What are wind turbines? What is a windmill? Throughout this article, we will regard them as being the same thing. Both have blades that capture the wind – a wind turbine is the one that we are concerned with, it is a device that uses the energy from the wind and changes it into rotational force which is subsequently made use of to produce electric energy, a windmill does the same thing with the exception that the mechanical power produced is almost always used for such things as grinding, pumping .

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Build Your Own Wind Turbine – No More Power Outages

We would encourage you to consider if you should build your own wind turbine and have your own residential wind turbines as your personal renewable Do It Yourself energy project.

As it is wind turbines that we are interested in we need to ask is what are the two types of wind turbines?

The orientation of the blades dictates their classification:

  • Horizontal axis* – The blades in these types of turbines rotate on a horizontal axis.
  • Vertical axis – The blades in these types of turbines rotate on a vertical plane

* This type is both more common and more effective

So what are the advantages of having a wind turbine?

There Are Many Benefits but These Are the Most ImportantFunny father blowing on windmill models-Wind Turbine

Energy-efficient – your wind turbine uses a freely available source of and transforms it into a valuable supply with a clean, easy, non-polluting form of generating. Larger commercial wind turbines will produce for whole communities.

Cost-effective – As soon as the installation costs of your wind turbine have been recovered from the lowering of your energy bills, all that remains is the minimal cost of upkeep. The wind costs you nothing and there are no further costs.

Environmentally friendly – your wind turbine is totally green and pollution-free.

Freedom from power outages- as you now have your own self-supporting source of alternative energy, power outages will be a thing of the past.

Wind turbines are not suitable for all situations, there are a couple of limitations that affect your assessment as to whether this type of wind power is right for you, and they are solely based on the size of your property and its location:

Make sure the following two pre-requisites are met:

  • Your property should be at least 1 acre in size
  • An average wind speed of about ten MPH (see the wind speed in your area here home wind power)

If you have met the above criteria take the time to look online for an available information guide that will show you in step by step instructions through the whole process of design, purchase of the correct matching parts, the build process, wiring, and the optimum set up for the storage of the generated electrical energy.

You can make your own windmill with absolute confidence using one of the better guides that are recommended in this article. Make sure whichever guide you select has all the following items of content included:

Clear and concise written instructions going through all stages of design, location, and build, should be enhanced with video demonstrations so that you can see what fits where and how.

A comprehensive parts list ( this is very important because with wind turbines in particular all the parts must match and be compatible with each other – one miss-matched part could result in a catastrophic failure of your system) plus guidance on where to buy the parts at the best possible prices.

Energy tax rebate forms (this tax is available till 2016) with guidance so that you know what you can claim for and how you claim for it.

Online helpdesk, that offers you backup and helps with any problems.

60-day no-quibble cast-iron money-back guarantee on the price of the kit.

Now is the time to start looking via any of the links on this page also for more information at the bottom of the page.

is an for Green Energy Solutions. [] is my site and contains lots of information and ideas for your Green Energy Projects.

Take a look at my review. make your own windmill [].

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Up Next:

  • The ONLY Hurricane Guide You Need
  • Tornado Tips: How To Survive Natural Disasters
  • 25 Ways To Get Clean Drinking In An Emergency

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