BBQ potatoes recipe – campfire cooking recipe UK – BBQ food idea / recipe – easy BBQ recipes


We’ve taken s’mores to a whole other level with this Bacon & Potato recipe. Whether you’re cooking up a campfire treat while camping or want to serve up this delicious dish at your next BBQ. This recipe is for all those bacon & cheese lovers out there! Think of this like a cheese and bacon , done on the BBQ! Give this a go next time you’re looking for new BBQ food ideas!

We love making this when we want a hearty but tasty BBQ meal. If you want to know how to cook potatoes on BBQ or on fire, this recipe is a great place to start. It’s super simple! You could also try cut up the potatoes into thin slices, that’ll make this BBQ cook quicker, and will create almost like a grilled tartiflette / potato dauphinois.

This campfire cooking recipe is perfect for BBQing in the UK. It’s a great easy for beginners, you literally don’t need any BBQ skills and is a great recipe for a simple BBQ. You don’t need all the kit, just an easy BBQ or a campfire hob, making it an ideal recipe for BBQ beginners.

It’s a great fun recipe for kids, you can get them involved in the cooking and they love the cheese pulls. It’s great for a Summer sharing recipe in the garden, get the whole family around the campfire enjoying their ‘potato smores’. We call these our Bacon and Potato smores because they’re like a savoury version of the campfire classic. This recipe is super cheesy, imagine this like a cheese recipe done on the BBQ! Who wouldn’t say yes to a cheese ?!

If you’re looking for , this is perfect. We love trying new recipes and this is exactly that, try it to make your BBQ way more simple!


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