– Poem deviated from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” –
Inside our tiny off grid cabin Sophie is forging, hammering, soldering and sawing to create some beautiful jewelry out of pure silver. And once she is done we put the table to the side to have enough room for some simple workouts. Even our baby boy enjoys to run a few laps. Today is also the day for our very first bbq of the season. Actually the first bbq of the winter 😉
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Or browse through the selection of our best artworks here:
– Photoprints from the wild North: https://www.peterzenkl-photography.com
– Sophie’s Illustrations and Custom works: https://sophiemutlu-art.com
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With lots of patience and skill Sophie sits down with a piece of silver to craft some beautiful jewelry. But there is only so much time you can spend on this before you need to stretch and work out the body after sitting for so long…
Afterwards there is a super small window to relax at our cozy cabin before the next task is due. The dogs, our baby boy, cabin life… something is always up.
And with the sun finally returning with a lot of strength we also feel like barbecuing some local salmon on the grill. There are still heaps of snow covering the ground but winter is just in your head… well maybe 😉
Become part of our version homesteading in the remote north
Join us for a cozy day at the cabin:
Let us tell you our story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHSs3z7rxUE
Join us for a road trip through the north: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hjC_…
Who are we?
We are Peter & Sophie a German couple who found a new home in the Canadian Wilderness. SUBSCRIBE for cabin life, simple living adventures and behind the scenes of what it’s really like to live off the grid in the great, wild north with a little baby boy and two doberman dogs. And be there as we grow and learn in our role as new parents.
We hope to inspire you to follow your own dreams, to jump into the unknown and live outside the norm, to create a community of like minded individuals sharing and supporting each other on their own journeys.