9 Survival Tips For A Winter Power Outage

To get ready for this spring, here are 9 doable things you can start doing right away. We’ll go over realistic precautions you can take to succeed. Start your preparedness journey by downloading here: https :// cityprepping.tv / 3P3skQH
Movies to view:
How to Thrive Against a Power Outage: :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = h860L87_ kwg
* :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = AODaE92HjSo Risk Assessment Guide
You only need three months to prepare: https :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = KCvzq5jJaZY
How to create a three-week food supply: https:// www.youtube.com / watch? v = 5B47y9rH6eA
* How to construct family bug-out bags: https :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = jR9hd3VaGPw
* 1 Year’s worth of food: https :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = JJ46s8cz6Mo
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