⬇️More details on 7 Lazy Mom Hacks:
1. Solo road trips with multiple little ones in carseats can be a struggle when someone has to go to the bathroom. I was never going to wake up my youngest and haul 3 toddlers into some sketchy gas station as a woman alone. I’d just pull over, so they could go in the car potty. Seal the bag shut, then trash the liner when we got to one of our required/planned stops.
2. Tape bubbles to leg of chair or table outside. This just simply prevents bubble spills AND you dont have to hold it so you can sit back and relax.
3. No fold method is 🙌🏻 my boys don’t care, i don’t care, and downy wrinkle releaser is there just in case things are super wrinkled.
4. All white socks!! If you have kids in diff size socks one can have all the white socks, one gray, and one whatver other color, but its so much easier not having to match character socks
5. I love paper plates when i know I’m not gonna be in the mood to clean later lol
6. Ipad and snacks by the door is the easiest way to ensure you get to sleep in on Saturdays. Especially if you tell them ipad time is over once you wake up!
7. Pre-roll outfits for vacay. I’d rather do to work up front and not be lazy prepping for vacay so i can be lazy on vacay and know the outfits my kids are picking all match and look good.
#momlife #motherhood #momhacks #momhack #cleaninghacks