5 Things You Need To Know When Camping Without Electricity

In this day and age, camping has become more convenient. Most campsites offer electricity and other types of convenience.

While this is ideal for families or beginners, plenty of people still want to experience the old-school style – camping with no electricity.

If you’re planning for this kind of trip alone or with some buddies, there are certain things that you need to know and some useful tips to follow to avoid the hassle.

RELATED: Life Lessons Of Living With No Electricity

Follow These Useful Tips for a Surefire Awesome Camping Trip Without Electricity

Learn How to Start a Silhouette of tourist around campfire at night on the river shore-Camping Without Electricity

A is one of the most important things to have when camping without electricity. It will be your biggest source of light and will also be your source of warmth during cold nights.

That’s why it is crucial to learn how to start one from scratch if you don’t already. If you don’t know how to start one, make sure one of your buddies going on the trip with you knows how.

Starting a is one thing, keeping it ablaze is another so make sure you bring the right tools with you to keep that alive for as long as you need it.

Do Some Research About Your Campsitestylish hipster traveler exploring map at sunny forest and lake in the mountains-Camping Without Electricity

Camping with no source of power indeed is a challenge, especially for first-timers. Make sure you are familiar with the area where you will be staying.

Do some research and find out where the nearest road is, the nearest area with electric power and the nearest hospital is. This is important in case of emergency. You will also know where to go if you run out of supplies.

Let Someone Know Where You’re GoingYoung asian couple climbing up on the mountain,hiking and team work-Camping Without Electricity

Even if you have extra batteries for your mobile phone, the signal in the woods might be weak and it might become hard to communicate with anybody.

It’s important to let a friend or a family member know where exactly you’re going and when you will come back for safety purposes.

RELATED: 25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man

Pack Some Good Quality FlashlightsMan with bright flashlight near camping tents outdoors at night-Camping Without Electricity

Aside from basic camp essentials, bring a good quality flashlight which will be very useful as a source of light in the darkness of the woods. Bring a spare or two and some extra batteries.

Bring EntertainmentGroup of Young Asian Camper Enjoy Camping Outdoors Party with Friends Near the Lake in the Forest-Camping Without Electricity

Without electricity, what you can do in the woods is a bit limited especially during the night. Don’t forget to bring a source of entertainment whether for you or your friends. It could be some playing cards, a guitar or anything simple that will be fun!

Follow these simple tips for camping without electricity and you’ll be ready!

Daniel J. Smith is a expert. Having lived the outdoor life since he was very young, he loves sharing his expertise about camping, hiking, traveling, RV living, and many more.

He has also started his own company called OutBright, which will soon be selling products that cater to campers, hikers, travelers, and all outdoor-loving adventurers.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Daniel_J._Smith/2570911

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