5 CANNED GOODS TO STOCK IN YOUR PREPPER PANTRY #shorts #prepping #survival #prepperpantry #shtf

Every Prepper Pantry should have certain staples like CANNED GOODS. There are so many options available. Their shelf life, when stored properly, lasts way beyond the “best by” date. Whether you’re just buying your groceries now, when they’re on sale, and stocking your pantry. The prices of groceries just keeps skyrocketing. Inflation is here and very real. We need to stock up where we can, when we can, as best as we can. Canned goods can provide us with all of our macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates, fats… and the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Canned meats, poultry, and fish can provide us with necessary protein and fats, to maintain and help build muscle. Canned carbohydrates provide us with necessary calories and energy for heavy activity and caloric expenditures… while providing necessary fiber to keep us healthy and regular. Canned fruits and vegetables, can help provide vitamins and minerals that our bodies need, while helping create well balanced meals. Remember that canned goods are the least fresh option, and because of that, should be supplemented with some sort of multivitamin.
For more tips on Self Defense, Home Defense, Prepping, and Survival, check out Five Elements Tactical.
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