Getting into camping of any kind, but especially moto camping in particular, can be a little bit daunting at first. There are so many motorcycle camping gear advice videos and articles out there that it can be difficult for the new camper to sort out what it is they actually need to get started versus what 10,000 YouTubers and bloggers are trying to get views and affiliate link clicks on.
Ironic, then, that here I am putting together yet another mot camping gear video designed to help you sift through the noise and nail down exactly what it is you 100% without a doubt unequivocally NEED to get started motocamping.
I’m complicated like that.
The good news is that when you get right down to it, there are really only 4 absolute motorcycle camping essentials that you need to go out and do an your first moto camping trip:
Something to Sleep In
Something to Eat
Something to Drink
That’s it. If you account for these four things, then you will most likely survive the night (and you might just even have a great time doing it).
For more on the most essential motorcycle camping gear, check out my blog on the same topic at https://motocampnerd.com/a/blog/motorcycle-camping-gear-essentials-what-moto-camping-gear-is-must-have-vs-nice-to-have
Don’t forget you can save 10% on everything on your motorcycle camping gear list by using promo code “dork”
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Africa Twin Mods:
MachineArtMoto ADVance Adjustable Handguards: https://bit.ly/37GYNV5
T-Rex Racing Engine Crash Guard Cage: https://www.t-rex-racing.com/2016-2019-Africa-Twin-Engine-Guards-p/n49-17eg.htm
Mitas E07 Dakar Tires: Front: https://bit.ly/3xhdzQE Rear: https://bit.ly/3vbtcad
Honda OEM Centerstand: https://bit.ly/3eptaol
Giant Loop Fandango Tank Bag: https://bit.ly/2wzdKvP
Giant Loop Mototrekk Panniers: https://bit.ly/3n65yZU
Giant Loop Pannier Mounts: https://bit.ly/3ax1NHS
Giant Loop Tillamook Dry Bag: https://bit.ly/3ejJ3g3
Doubletake Mirrors: https://bit.ly/3vbwvOS
Quad Lock Mount: https://amzn.to/2V4q01h
IMS Pro Series Footpegs: https://bit.ly/3vf1CZA
Rox Risers:https://bit.ly/3xj4p5W
SW-Motech Shift Lever: https://amzn.to/2voqjtz
AltRider Radiator Guard: https://bit.ly/2QLMowy
Camel ADV Side Stand: https://camel-adv.com/products/camel-toe-side-stand-africa-twin
Camel ADV Windscreen Brace: https://camel-adv.com/products/africa-twin-windscreen-brace
Garmin Zumo XT: https://bit.ly/3eJ4eKt
Tusk Top Rack for Honda Africa Twin: https://bit.ly/3euancS
Tusk Pillion Rack for Honda Africa Twin: https://bit.ly/3uvoeFw
Tusk Pannier Racks: https://bit.ly/3akEsK2
Giant Loop RTW Panniers: https://bit.ly/3vpOAIH