13 CLEVER HACKS YOU MUST TRY! & Tips for this summer. I hope enjoyed the video today, thanks so much for watching x

PRODUCT MENTIONS (I use affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase).

Wine Holder: https://amzn.to/3a2FZnl
Basket (mine is out of stock but this is similar): https://amzn.to/3g3CdOn
Thermos (mine is old but this is very similar): https://amzn.to/3g4CvEO
Plastic Plates: Similar at Ikea

❀️🎼 Follow me:
TIK TOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/TXWHQB/
INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/mrsemilynorris
INSTAGRAM HOME: https://www.instagram.com/emilynorrishome/?hl=en
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πŸ”΄ SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a thing: http://bit.ly/2FbWccs – If you’re new I post NEW VIDEOS EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY at 7PM (GMT)

KITCHEN HACKS: https://youtu.be/h6LhEIjHokI
TIK TOK HACKS TESTED: https://youtu.be/qhCdhicQidI
10 : https://youtu.be/39_amZusxpE
Summer Mum Hacks: https://youtu.be/LaFjGMiSPsg
: https://youtu.be/EXVziRcGhus
Newborn Hacks: https://youtu.be/__exjqopG44
Baby Hacks Tried & Tested: https://youtu.be/1yVISCYOFX8
Mum Style Hacks: https://youtu.be/fEH_FkVheAk
Car : https://youtu.be/x_UFuZJbasA
Ikea Kitchen Hacks: https://youtu.be/OO_v9tVZKvQ
Meal Planning Hacks: https://youtu.be/ntDFpNAopGI
Pool Noodle Hack: https://youtu.be/cKBycdGI_lw
Boredom Buster Hack with Channel Mum: https://youtu.be/zLq8238YOck
Kitchen Hacks with Channel Mum: https://youtu.be/812LyzxCng4
Dump Bag Hack with Channel Mum: https://youtu.be/qfD4maQqon0
Fruit Hacks: https://youtu.be/tTBH6mtxBjQ
Moon Sand Hack: https://youtu.be/EEiqpO-nA2U
Gloop Hack: https://youtu.be/EEdQfB_cHnc
Playdough Hack: https://youtu.be/3Il3zn-IjJM


VISIT MY AMAZON SHOP: https://www.amazon.co./shop/

I use affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.


For all advertising enquiries and collaborations email me on: emilynorrisloves@gmail.com


FAQ’s ❀c

Q: Where is your accent from?
A: I was born and raised to Toronto, Ontario, Canada but moved to Essex in England when I was 14 years old. Hence my mixed up accent.

Q: Do you work? What do you work as?
A: I worked in Marketing and PR but I now focus on my vlog full time.

Q: Who’s in your family?
A: I have been married to Matt for since 2009, he is the love of my life! We have three sons – Fraser (born 2010), Caleb (born 2013) and Jackson (born in 2016).

Q: What camera do you use to film?
A: I film my videos with the G7X and a EOS M50.

Q: What lighting do you use?
A: I use natural lighting 90% of the time and a softbox light during the winter / dark evenings.

Q: Where do you get music from?
A: Epidemic Sound, Soundcloud and the Youtube Library.

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