10 Life Hacks You Need To Know For Summer!

10 amazing tips and tricks you can use to impress your friends, and make your summer a little easier.

Endcard Links:

Auto-Icing Soda: https://goo.gl/kXez2A
Water Weapons: https://goo.gl/iyVPwt
Dry-Ice Pranks: https://goo.gl/psv4ix
Fire With Water: https://goo.gl/kB5aMI

See What Else I’m Up To:

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These projects and results are depictions of my own personal experiences. Your results may vary depending on your location, and modifications to ideas. There may be risks associated with some of these projects that require adult supervision, and possibly others that I’m not aware of. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Music By: (“Avenue” – Instrumental). http://bit.ly/ScottBrendoiTunes

Inspired By:

inspired by: HouseHold Hacker’s “Quick and Simple Life Hacks”.

Projects & pictures that inspired this video:

#10: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eating-Hamburgers-Upside-Down/185065273370
#9: http://www.yumsugar.com/Ridiculously-Simple-Tip-Straws-Soda-Cans-234864
#8: Inspired by ! My wife spent 3 months there and learned this trick from the locals.
#7: http://lifehacker.com/kill-ants-safely-with-cornmeal-510414551
#6: http://lifehacker.com/5508789/create-an-instant-snack-bowl-from-any-snack-bag
#5: Inspired by my wife. She taught me this idea to catch , and we played with the idea over the course of a year to get it to work better.
#4: http://lifehacker.com/5893148/use-a-cupcake-liner-to-catch-popsicle-drips-and-keep-your-hands-clean
#3: http://lifehacker.com/5922288/use-a-muffin-tin-to-dish-out--at-your-next-backyard-bbq
#2: http://www.geekalerts.com/tansafe/
#1: http://twicsy.com/i/kssujc

Project History & More Info:

In this video you’ll see how to;

-Modify your water bottles so you get instant icy cold drinks every time
-Get rid of ants using popcorn kernels (Natural and non-toxic pest control)
-Turn your snack bags into custom snack bowls
-Make a secret container for hiding your valuable items at the beach
-Eat a giant hamburger the right way, so the bottom doesn’t fall out
-Keep a straw in your can of soda so it doesn’t float out
-Prepare a Mango so you don’t get fiber and pulp stuck between your teeth
-Modify your popsicles to prevent dripping, and sticky fingers
-Speed up the lines, and cut down on the mess with at BBQ’s

You may recognize some of these lifehack ideas? I had seen pictures of some useful ideas on the internet, but no videos. I made this in hopes that all of you would enjoy this compilation of 10 “life hacks” that has helped and inspired me.

I found many of them from http://www.lifehacker.com, http://www.pinterest.com, and http://www.google.com. The mango and fruit fly projects were inspired by my wife, from a trick she learned while visiting .
#tkor #thekingofrandom

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